Ini tulisan lawas oleh Pak Syam yang terbit di Kompas 2004. Tapi topiknya masih tetap menarik. Saya upload tulisan ini dalam blog ini, sebagai suluh bagi saya, yang juga seorang pegawai negeri. Pegawai negeri di seluruh penjuru tanah air, terkenal sebagai pegawai yang suka korupsi waktu. Tapi, saya tidak mau di cap seperti itu. Bagi saya, bekerja itu tidak hanya mengikuti jam kerja yang berlaku, tapi bisa juga dilakukan di rumah atau di perjalanan jika perlu. Dan saya yakin, tidak sedikit pegawai negeri yang bekerja dengan sungguh-sungguh, tanpa mengenal waktu. Semoga saya dan anda termasuk di dalamnya, sehingga kita tidak turut bikin negara bangkrut.
Korupsi Waktu
Oleh Sjamsoe’oed Sadjad
SEORANG rakyat yang memerlukan pelayanan datang ke suatu ruang kantor pemerintah pukul delapan pagi. Yang ditemui meja- kursi kosong. Tak satu pegawai negeri sipil abdi negara pun yang tampak. Pukul 08.30, orang itu ke warung kopi di sudut kantor. Di sana ditemui 4-5 PNS sambil merokok sibuk mengobrol soal korupsi miliaran rupiah.
Dalam benak kita, masalah korupsi selalu terkait hitungan dalam rupiah, jutaan atau miliaran. Kalau korupsi waktu, itu sudah jamak. Pukul 08.00 harus mulai bekerja, terlambat satu jam tak apalah. Makin tinggi pangkat, datang telat dua jam dianggap lumrah. Padahal itu berarti dia tidak melayani orang yang membutuhkan untuk waktu dua jam sehari. Belum waktu pulang. Seharusnya pulang pukul 17.00, satu jam sebelumnya sudah nongkrong di bus karyawan sambil baca koran. Dia tak peduli berapa orang yang bisa menerima pelayanan bila dia masih bekerja.
COBA kita hitung. Apabila pegawai negeri sipil (PNS) di negeri ini berjumlah 3,5 juta orang, dan tiap hari mengorupsi waktu satu jam, bukankah itu berarti 3,5 juta jam sehari rakyat kehilangan kesempatan untuk dilayani? Hitung saja, bila setahun PNS harus bekerja 5 minggu x 75 hari/minggu x 7 jam/hari = 1.750 jam/tahun, dan gaji yang diterimanya Rp 8,4 juta/tahun, maka setiap jam berarti menerima Rp 4.800.
Dengan korupsi waktu satu jam sehari, seluruh PNS di negeri ini mengorupsi uang rakyat sebesar 3,5 juta x Rp 4.800 = Rp 16 miliar. Ini korupsi sehari, dan hanya satu jam di pagi hari. Belum lagi korupsi satu jam di sore hari. Juga, belum lagi kalau gajinya lebih besar dari Rp 700.000/bulan.
Bayangkan, bila gajinya Rp 150 juta/bulan seperti gaji Dirut Pertamina. Hitung saja, bila datang ke kantor pukul 10.00. Belum para dosen di perguruan tinggi yang datang ke kampus hanya kalau memberi kuliah.
Anehnya, rakyat tidak merasa dirugikan. Rakyat tidak sadar uangnya "digerogoti". Apa karena negeri ini "gemah ripah loh jinawi" sehingga kehilangan Rp 16 miliar/hari masih bisa tertawa? Kehilangan kayu dari hutan yang miliaran dollar AS sehari juga masih bisa cengengesan. Belum utang kita! Ironis memang, tetapi kita ditakdirkan jadi bangsa yang sabar.
Mungkinkah angka-angka itu ditanyakan kepada calon presiden dan calon wakil presiden pada putaran kedua? Bagaimana mereka menjawabnya. Bila jawabannya klise, itu mah gampang.
Mungkin jawabnya, penegakan disiplin dalam tubuh PNS. Pertanyaan berikut, bagaimana caranya? Apa perlu ada pengawasan ketat? Untuk tiap PNS, apa perlu ada job description? Apa mereka siap melakukan rasionalisasi. Jangan-jangan belum apa-apa sudah dikaitkan dengan kecilnya gaji, seperti membandingkan dengan China, yang rasio antara gaji pejabat tinggi dan rendah tidak besar seperti pada kita. Sebenarnya yang ingin didengar yang pragmatis. "How to get everything done well" dan yang benar.
MENGHADAPI berbagai kelemahan, yang diperlukan sebenarnya bagaimana menciptakan triggers. Tindakan kecil, tetapi dampaknya luar biasa besar. Lihat saja, kalau kita tarik picu pada senjata, beberapa peluru bisa meleset sampai ke sasaran. Itu kerja triggering.
Contoh lain seperti yang dikerjakan Gubernur Jawa Timur Moh Nur. Warga di desa disuruh membereskan dan menertibkan pagar-pagar di sekeliling rumah dan pekarangannya. Kecil saja upaya ini, tetapi dampaknya bukan main. Desa menjadi tertib, dinamis, dan warganya lalu lebih besar semangat berkaryanya. Ibu-ibu di desa aktif mencari nilai tambah dari pekarangannya. Triggering tidak hanya berupa tindakan. Sebuah tulisan juga bisa menjadi trigger. Siapa tahu tulisan yang menghitung-hitung kerugian masyarakat karena korupsi waktu oleh PNS bisa menggugah kesadaran kita. Siapa tahu ini bisa sebagai trigger.
Dalam upaya menegakkan disiplin, kita juga memerlukan trigger. Saya kira, cara seremonial seperti model apel, sumpah Korpri, kurang efektif. Semua itu tidak menimbulkan gereget, sehabis apel, bersumpah, kembali begitu lagi.
Para pemimpin kita yang katanya akan membawa pembaruan nanti perlu mempunyai keahlian menciptakan trigger yang bagi rakyat "tanpa merasa, tahu-tahu" kok bisa berdisiplin. Semua PNS juga "tahu-tahu" dengan sendirinya, kok bisa tidak menjalani korupsi waktu, meski tanpa "gaji ke tiga belas". Bukan main pemimpin kita kalau bisa melakukannya. Lima tahun lagi dia kita pilih lagi.
Semoga negeri ini benar-benar bisa tertib, aman, tenteram dan sejahtera.
Sjamsoe’oed Sadjad Guru Besar Emeritus IPB (terbit di koran Kompas, Sabtu, 17 Juli 2004 )
Monday, September 15, 2008
Just a day after thesis submission, I fulfilled my promise to Anya to have a vacation to Efteling, an amusement park close to Den Bosch. It was the last day of her summer holiday, but it was a sunny and bright day to spend weekend together.
We traveled to Efteling by train from Utrecht to s’Hertogenbosh, and continued by bus to the Efteling. Many visitors were coming, due to the last day of summer vacation, but we had not long queue to buy ticket. The first amusement we visited was “Panda” corner. We did not have any idea what it is about. We found a movie with 3D screen in the first theater. First, we did not interested and just wanted to leave the theater, but it was closed already. Being patient, we watched the movie. After the first movie has been played, we moved to the second theater with bigger screen and many seat rows and the movie began. Wow amazing! The story began with polar bear life; turtle and creature life under sea and about tropical forests where orang utans live. How people disturb nature that create global climate change. This very good movie, that suppose to increase awareness to protect nature and wild life. Anya learnt about what global climate change is about.
We had fun with roller coaster, which need effort to be in long queue. Lifted up to see Efteling area with “Pagoda”. But we did not try adventure in a canoe or boat. We spend our time much in a fairy tale area; to see a story of ‘Long Neck’, Rampusel, a girls with the red coat and little mermaid. We did not miss the mysterious villa, where we could experience with 360 oC rotate room. I have no idea, how does it work. There was no stuffs in the room fell down, though the seat in the room was rotated 360 oC for several times!
Anya enjoyed this day much. Finally, she had a story to tell her friends when she go went back to school in the coming day.
We traveled to Efteling by train from Utrecht to s’Hertogenbosh, and continued by bus to the Efteling. Many visitors were coming, due to the last day of summer vacation, but we had not long queue to buy ticket. The first amusement we visited was “Panda” corner. We did not have any idea what it is about. We found a movie with 3D screen in the first theater. First, we did not interested and just wanted to leave the theater, but it was closed already. Being patient, we watched the movie. After the first movie has been played, we moved to the second theater with bigger screen and many seat rows and the movie began. Wow amazing! The story began with polar bear life; turtle and creature life under sea and about tropical forests where orang utans live. How people disturb nature that create global climate change. This very good movie, that suppose to increase awareness to protect nature and wild life. Anya learnt about what global climate change is about.
We had fun with roller coaster, which need effort to be in long queue. Lifted up to see Efteling area with “Pagoda”. But we did not try adventure in a canoe or boat. We spend our time much in a fairy tale area; to see a story of ‘Long Neck’, Rampusel, a girls with the red coat and little mermaid. We did not miss the mysterious villa, where we could experience with 360 oC rotate room. I have no idea, how does it work. There was no stuffs in the room fell down, though the seat in the room was rotated 360 oC for several times!
Anya enjoyed this day much. Finally, she had a story to tell her friends when she go went back to school in the coming day.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
During the last few weeks, the weather in Utrecht was not so nice: cloudy, windy, rainy and cold. We had only nice weather on last weekend. Perhaps the last good weather on this summer. Now, I’m feeling that autumn is coming. This tipical Ducht weather: unpredictable! Well, it’s fine. I enjoy the weather by wearing coat outside and wearing pashmina as my blanket inside office. Although already a year I stay here in Holland, but I did not get used to this weather. In the contrast with Bogor, I never feel very cold, although the precipitation in Bogor is higher than in Holland. Sometimes, we have heavy rain in Utrecht. Like yesterday, I was biking in the heavy rain, hence I was totally wet when arrived at home. I got headache :-(.
Anyway, I’m survive :-). I released from pressure due to deadline of thesis submission. I submitted my thesis to the reader committee last Saturday. Thanks God, nothing is possible without your bless. I could not imagine that I could finish my thesis on time without kind cooperation from all of my supervisors. They provided me good supervision, guidance and supports. I'm indebtful for all of them.
As realization of my thankfulness, Anya and I went to Alphen a/d Rijn last Saturday for doing pooja and celebrating Hindu’s festival: Galungan and Kuningan, together with other Hindus in Netherlands. This was the first time I joined them. Instead of ‘jam karet’, a term for out of the schedule, the festival was great. The OC entertained us with dance performance, music and delicious food.. hhmmm yummy! I just aware, there are many Hindus from Indonesia in Holland.
Special person to be thank is Anya, my daughter. She sacrifices a lot during these times. She is very kind and fully understanding. She did not have good moment during her summer vacation, because I did not have time to accompany her to spend the holiday. Finally, after submission, we could go together to Efteling, an amusement park close to s-Hertogenbosch, like Disneylend. It was nice day and nice park as well. Anya was happy, finally she had nice trip in the last day of her summer vacation.
My father, mother and Joko who pray a lot for my study are very respectful. I thank my sisters and their families for kind support on their way for my study. This an a very early thank for all who close with me. Later, I will write down 'formal thanks' in my thesis for all who colaborated in my project.
Now, I’m preparing for presentation at CBS and Biology department as a practice for public defense. The last part is nearly approaching, and I still have to struggle for it. Wish me best of luck.
Anyway, I’m survive :-). I released from pressure due to deadline of thesis submission. I submitted my thesis to the reader committee last Saturday. Thanks God, nothing is possible without your bless. I could not imagine that I could finish my thesis on time without kind cooperation from all of my supervisors. They provided me good supervision, guidance and supports. I'm indebtful for all of them.
As realization of my thankfulness, Anya and I went to Alphen a/d Rijn last Saturday for doing pooja and celebrating Hindu’s festival: Galungan and Kuningan, together with other Hindus in Netherlands. This was the first time I joined them. Instead of ‘jam karet’, a term for out of the schedule, the festival was great. The OC entertained us with dance performance, music and delicious food.. hhmmm yummy! I just aware, there are many Hindus from Indonesia in Holland.
Special person to be thank is Anya, my daughter. She sacrifices a lot during these times. She is very kind and fully understanding. She did not have good moment during her summer vacation, because I did not have time to accompany her to spend the holiday. Finally, after submission, we could go together to Efteling, an amusement park close to s-Hertogenbosch, like Disneylend. It was nice day and nice park as well. Anya was happy, finally she had nice trip in the last day of her summer vacation.
My father, mother and Joko who pray a lot for my study are very respectful. I thank my sisters and their families for kind support on their way for my study. This an a very early thank for all who close with me. Later, I will write down 'formal thanks' in my thesis for all who colaborated in my project.
Now, I’m preparing for presentation at CBS and Biology department as a practice for public defense. The last part is nearly approaching, and I still have to struggle for it. Wish me best of luck.
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